Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Project: Tau - Part 1: Basing and Project Images so Far

I really should have posted on here much earlier, but better late than never huh?

I think it's high time I started posting about what I'm actually working on currently, seeing as this is a painting blog after all haha.
As I've said previously, I'm working on painting up my Tau models (inspired largely by the many Tau rumours about the new 'dex next month), many of which are old and actually date back to around their first release.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Tau, basing and Infinity

Now that I've started this blog, I though it was fitting to actually get some content up and stop this place from looking so barren.

So as the title and image above would insinuate, I'll be talking about some Infinity and some resin bases I recently picked up.

Monday, 11 March 2013

The First Ramble

So I've decided to do a painting/hobby blog.

I've been a wargamer since I was a wee chap no older than ten.
Over the years, I have played and collected miniatures to no end. I have miniatures still unassembled in boxes I bought with some of my very first paychecks.

This is the reason I've decided to do this blog is to chronicle my journey of rectifying the part of the hobby I've tended to avoid entirely...

Only recently have I begun to truly feel a joy as I paint and this has inspired me to begin trying to improve, experiment and just simply get all those old models assembled and painted, as opposed to sitting in their shrink wrap.
So this blog will simply serve to chronicle my painting and hobby exploits as I expand my skills and just generally ramble about our hobby in general.

Cheers - Felix